St. Pat’s DIY and Maintenance Makerspace



Saint Patrick’s High School is pleased to announce the development and integration of a new DIY and Maintenance Makerspace. This new experiential education installation will enable our students to not only approach real-world challenges in a dynamic and student-led experiential education manner, but also to create bridges through cross-curricular projects and collaboration, as well as to foster community relationships and extend their learning into supporting our Ottawa area. More than just tackling challenges in a fun and functional way, students develop self-efficacy in acquiring, sharing, and developing techniques, strategies, and capacities in a safe and fun environment. Come, see what St. Pat’s DIY and Maintenance Makerspace offers everyone!

What is a Makerspace?

A makerspace is a collaborative environment or work area where students can explore and respond to real-world challenges. They can take various forms, and have reflections in most modern post-secondary institutions, as well as in most STEM industries. Please take a moment to watch the videos seen here.

Making COnnections

Our students represent the best of our community. We are a diverse and multifaceted group of young people, eager to both set forward into tomorrow, and to show what impacts we can make in the world today. Through our broad range of grades at the school (7-12) we are able to provide mentoring opportunities and collaborative projects that are tailored to recognize, respect, and accommodate all ages, stages, cultures, and capacities. We offer supports for those all across the learning spectrum, and support all student needs, be they support through our wonderful team of EA’s and ECE’s, modified objectives and roles to suit those who may have limited experience or need equitable involvement to suit them individually. We’re eager to have everyone involved, and open to all! Please visit our Open House nights to see it first-hand and ask any questions you may have.

Community Partners

Our staff and programs are constantly striving to ensure the broadest and most inclusive learning experiences, with programs like those explored in our tech pathways which connect to industry partners in both design and training. Here are a few to explore when considering this opportunity:

Algonquin College


Carleton University


Come check us out today and see what we can bring to you! Here’s our contact information if you should have further questions:

(613) 733-0501

St. Patrick's High School
